The weight of the title

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Source: amazon

After 5 long years in medical school, I finally graduate with a title in front of my name. As cool and impressive as it sounds, the title weighs as much as the responsibility that sits upon my shoulders.

My grandparents love going 'round the morning market and gleefully boast to their grey-haired friends about the existence of a doctor in the family. Like finally. None of their children ended up in the medical field, so I guess it is perfectly understandable that they take pride in the two letters in front of my name. I never really gave it much thought since it does not bother me as I am not there when they do it.

"Sorry, but I am still a medical student"

Soon, family gatherings end up becoming small consultations; asking about this small nagging headache that they have; telling me about how frequent they visit the toilet; showing me this patch of dry, itchy skin on the shin; or even asking me if their children are developing like how the other kids are. Making small conversations about simple health matters are one thing, but asking for medical advice definitely brings it to another level. I would usually use the excuse "Sorry but I am still a medical student" as I fear that I would give a wrong opinion and lead them down the wrong way. Those round the dinner table would just laugh it off and I do get off pretty easily with that.

Now, with a medical certificate in hand, my go-to excuse has clearly passed its expiry date. The words coming out from my mouth are now believed to be somewhat "more reliable" although I still doubt it most of the time. I now have to be responsible for the things I say and do. This is part of adulting that I have to face.

Do I love the title? Hell yeah! I've worked my ass off for this. But I definitely miss the carefree grey-zone during my clinical years where I could go around giving small tiny weeny medical advices without worrying much about the consequences when I start of the conversations with "Well....I could offer you some advice as a medical student."

Source: zcache

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