5 Things I Learned from Entering the Workforce

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Photo by Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash
Entering the working world is probably the most challenging phase of life ( at least it's mine for now). I have been working as a junior doctor in Malaysia for about a month. Honestly speaking, things are neither easy nor going smoothly all the time. There are a lot of things that I need to catch up on while working in a totally new environment. At times, it can be quite stressful but for the rest of the time things do calm down a little. Below are the 5 things that I have learnt from entering the workforce.

1. There Is A Massive Culture Change

Undeniably, things are not going to be the same in workforce as compared to your university. People are no longer being hired to teach and guide you all the time. They have to get their jobs done before clocking out and going back home. Most importantly, you yourself are no longer a student and you are entering the place as an employee. You have to adjust and adapt to the environment in order to survive.

2. Not All Things Are Learnt From University

Having said that, you thought that you would have gained necessary knowledge and practical skills before starting your career but that that is not always the case. When I first entered the hospital I actually spent more time learning the administrative skills. After all, you are not just purely treating the patients as you have to complete all the documentations, running for bloods to be sent to labs, collecting results and doing discharge summaries!

3. You Will Not Love Every Single Part Of Your Job

True enough, there are parts of job where you find it a hassle to do them sometimes. That is the case with many people who are working in their companies. However, you need to look at the bigger picture before giving up just because of that shitty unpleasant experience. The ultimate question that you have to ask yourself is, "Is it worth going through all these and will they get you to where you want in life?"

4.You Need To Enjoy What You Are Doing

Your salary is important. Getting well with your colleagues is important. Working in a conducive environment in equally important. Nonetheless, all these thing will not matter to you if you dislike what you are doing every day. Instead it will be a pure struggle for you to even get up from bed and start the day. Reason being that you are practically going to do what you are not enjoy doing every single day of your life.

5. Always Stay Humble

Being cocky will not get you anywhere. Try to friendly to everyone working in your department, be they the nurses, sisters, matrons, clerks or cleaners. They are the ones who will guide you whenever you are lost as you do not want to keep pestering your superiors with minor things. For example if you are lucky enough, the nurses will even help you filling in the forms when you are too occupied with all the new admissions. Remember to thank them!

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