Calm before the Storm

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Every junior doctor (houseman) in Malaysia were required to undergo a 5-days course known as Program Transformasi Minda (PTM) carried out at a hotel before officially reporting to your respective hospitals. Mostly every hospital in a certain state will conduct the course together except certain bigger hospitals which conduct it individually due to their huge intake of junior doctors.

What is this Program Transformasi Minda (PTM)?
Well, a direct English translation of it is Mind Transformation Programme. Sounds rather interesting, right?

So, I went through this course for the pass week. I was quite reluctant to go for it at first because it felt like boring school camp all over again. The course started on 22nd April and we were required to reach the venue at 2pm. We handed in all the required documents and checked into the hotel. We were required to get 2 other roommates to share a room. I heard certain states had actually allocated roommates for you but for Johor, you can find your own roommates if you want.

I felt like my post will bore you guys out if I go on in detail regarding the content of the course. So here is a summary, you will listen to loads and loads of talk about Malaysian healthcare from clinical to management, get put into groups (not by choice) to do some group works and lastly, eat 6 meals a day. And this is all done from 6am to 12am everyday.

Time did started passing faster from the 2nd day onwards and without realising it, it was the last day. I was glad to be put into a group with 14 other brilliant doctors from different backgrounds and universities. I enjoyed my time there with all the fun and laughter we shared. I did not think that I would be able to find such good friends at such a short span of time. But we somehow bonded over due to similar thought wavelengths i guess.

Here is a photo of the awesome G6 *poppin' bottles in the ice, like a blizzard*:

Overall, the course itself was not too bad so for those that will be going for it in the future, go with an open mind. You might able to encounter something unexpected.

For now, I am still going through orientation for the week at my chosen hospital and will start tagging from this coming Sunday onwards.

Bonus: Photo of all the NUMedians who decides to stay in this state down under~

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