
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

So what is tagging as a Houseman?
For sure, it is not the game that we used to play as children.

Photo credits Recall Games

I'm currently in my 5th week of work and the first 2 weeks were compulsory to start as taggers.As a tagger, you are supposed to tag along your senior HO and see how they get things done. Mostly, you are expected to start doing things as a HO with zero knowledge on the work while asking your seniors on how to do this and that.Well, I was glad that I've met some really good and patient seniors to guide me through those 2 weeks and still continues to check up on me now.

The official working hours for a tagger is 7am to 10pm everyday. Yes, you saw it right. Its EVERYDAY. Certain hospitals gives a day off in a week during tagging but some don't. I'm glad mine do because that offday feels like jackpot.

At the end of tagging, there will be an assessment which varies with departments and hospitals. For me, I was only needed to sit in the outpatient clinic to see patients independently to pass it. I've heard some of them needed to reach a quota of certain procedures to pass and some even has written exams.

Overall, tagging is a tough process for both mentally and physically but it is a necessity to learn as much as possible in the shortest amount of time.

My personal experience on tagging was not too bad other than lack of sleep. As I'm in surgical, I am needed in the ward around 5.30am. Thus, I woke up around 4-4.30am everyday. The lack of sleep was taking quite a toll on my body but luckily the 2 weeks passed in a flash. As there is really alot of work to do in a day, the long working hours doesn't really felt that long. But I was really glad to start on normal shift hours to start feeling that I have a life outside of hospital grounds.

For those who are starting on HO anytime soon, you can endure through it! And maybe shed some pounds on the way. Tagging could really involve some serious cardio and intermittent fasting at times.

All the best!

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