Life is like a Glass

Thursday, November 07, 2019

Working in this field has taught me alot about life. One of it is life is very fragile and unpredictable.

Almost everyday or not every other day, I see life seeping out of patients from predictable to unpredictable ones. After pronouncing more than 30+ deaths to family members, I thought this would have made me a tad bit heartless.

Last week, I received a phone call from my sister in the middle of the day while I was busy working. Thinking it was odd for her to call me, I picked up the call. In a very sad tone, she informed me that our paternal grandmother has left us. At that moment itself, I actually felt numb. It felt like another death being pronounced. As I was unable to attend the funeral due to work schedules, I felt guilty but I prayed for her to have a safe journey to the other side.

That night itself, I offered my last respects to my grandmother via videocall. The moment I saw her face, I burst into tears. (Nopes, this job has not made me anymore resilient to all these emotions.) I might not be very close to my grandmother but seeing her for the last time really tugged on my heartstrings. She was very fit and well the last time I saw her (maybe around a year ago?). I wished for her to be at a better place now, away from all the negativity that she was facing in these recent months. 

So people always say that doctors are heartless which I do not think its true. We might pronounced deaths with a pokerface but that is just to maintain our professionalism. A little bit of us still dies inside everytime we face a death especially if its someone dear to us.

Therefore, take care of all your friends that are having a hard time (whether they are doctors or not). Mental health is still a taboo in society nowadays. But it is up to us, to change this perspective :) 

Lastly, always appreciate those around you while they are still beside you so you would not have any regrets when they are gone someday!

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