5 down, 1 more to go

Monday, February 08, 2021

Around 2 years ago, I was writing the post: 1 down, 5 more to go and without realising it, I'm in my last posting now. Left with the posting that I dreaded the most: Paediatrics. Everyone has this one particular posting that they dislike the most and for me, Paediatrics is that posting because I'm not really a fan of little humans. 

Photo credits: Clipart Library

The Paediatrics posting itself is separated to 2 major subpostings: NICU and General Paediatrics. As I'm currently relocated for the second time due to COVID, but this time in a tertiary hospital. Thus, there are multiple subpostings within general paediatrics such as Oncology, Nephrology and Neuromedical. 

Not sure whether its good luck or not, I started off with General Paediatrics. Everyday is a battle with those little humans. How I miss procedural works on adults (At least they don't shout into my ears). It is a dilemma everyday as you know you can't get mad at them because they are afraid but you are secretly annoyed/tired and just want to get your job done. The few voices that you can hear from outside the procedural room everyday are screams, cries and "Baby Shark Doo doo doo". I have played so much baby shark that its currently no. 1 on my suggested list on Youtube. Other than screams and shouts, we do get some pretty funny stories from the procedure rooms. I have colleagues that were bitten by toddlers (We just wanted to get a little blood :'(), toddlers that fake cry and when you tease them, they become flustered and also children who were not knocked out by 5mg of IV Midazolam prior to lumbar punctures (Adults would have passed out with that dose).

Done my neuromedical sub-subposting last week. It was quite an eye opening experience as I was able to witness all sorts of seizure patterns. I was even able to see a few rare genetic disorders which lead to recurrent seizures. Looking at different kinds of EEG patterns nearly made me cross-eyed (EEG is way beyond my brain capacity to understand). I'm thankful to my specialist who was kind enough to try to explain them to me although I just stared at her blankly the whole time (I was not having absent seizure I think, maybe I need EEG too). Thanks for your patience.

GIF credits: Tenor.com

Currently, I am 1 month into this posting and hope I am able to come out of it in 1 piece 😐


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