Conversations at work

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The hospital is a place where interesting situations occur on a daily basis.

Nurse: Dr, patient in bed 18 hypoglycaemia. Hypocount only 3.

*Stands up immediately and walk over to the patient*

Me: Mr X, did you eat anything before taking your anti-diabetic medications? Any stomach pain? Feeling sweaty or dizzy?

Mr X: Oh no, doctor. I am fine. I only ate 1 bun since this morning.

Me: How come?

*Points down at his left leg that was put on a backslab due to a toe fracture*

Mr X: Oh, its because i do not want to get down from the bed and go to the toilet. I'm trying to make sure I do not need to pass motion these few days.

Me: Hmmm.....

*Internally roll my eyes at him*


During afternoon rounds with the MO (medical officer. Basically, your boss)

MO: Why is the central line still inserted even though it she is day 2 post operation?

Me: That is the only IV line we have for the patient. She is still complaining of pain, we are planning to keep it to inject IV painkillers. Is that alright?

MO: Oh, okay. We will keep it in then.

The next day....during morning specialist rounds

Specialist: Why is that central line still in?

MO: *Immediately responds and looks at us* Yeah, why is that line still in? I thought I gave orders for it to be removed yesterday?

*Exchange glances with my friend and gave each other a WTF look*

Me: It was for the IV painkillers. But, alright, we will remove it today.


Source: loofandtimmy

Going to work on the 2nd day of Chinese New Year....

*Security personnel sitting outside our ward waves me over*

Security: Dr, nah. Ni bagi doktor. Kesian tengok dr kerja masa perayaan. *Stuffs a red packet into my palms*

Me: Kak, you ada menyambut CNY kah?

Security: Tidak lah. Nak bagi you saja. Bagi you lucky lucky tahun ini.

Me: Terima kasih kak!

I gave her a hug and thank her for making me my CNY working day more memorable.


It is all these small things we encounter that makes everyday different. I still dread my alarm going off at 5 am every morning, but yet, I arrive at the hospital telling myself that it will be a good day. It is entirely up to us to decide on how you want to get through your day at the workplace. There are times when I get fed up with the system and even my colleagues. You could either bottle it up and let it get the better of you, or just find a few people and rant about it. I do that....and it definitely works for me!

Source: pinimg

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