How to not be like Jack

Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Sorry for this week's post delay.
It was due to post-eHousemen-stress-disorder.
 Photo by
I think most of you are thinking whether is this post about how to not be like Jack from Titanic?

Nah, I meant the Jack from "All work no play makes Jack a dull boy."

Studying medicine is said to be very hectic and one would not be able to indulge in your hobbies anymore. But today, I'm here to tell you that it is not true! Up to now, I have about 5-6 hobbies so how do I still enjoy them but still manage to keep up with my studies. The answer is time and mental management.
Photo by Duke of Ed

Here are a few tips on how to manage your time wisely and your brain nicely:

1) Always try to revise what you have studied on the day itself

Never wait until a month or a week before exams. This may seem easier said than done but it's not impossible. You might have been tired after a full day of class and the thought of revising is probably the last thing you want to do. Give yourself some time to freshen up by resting or even doing one of your hobbies. Just make sure to revise at least an hour before bed (reading key points will do as well if you're too tired). Reading a little is at least better than nothing at all. This might actually help you better to catch up on subsequent lessons. If you have more than enough time or studying is your calling, read up on the next lesson as well. A better understanding of the topic can help you to remember better.

2) Do not force yourself to sit and study for a few hours straight

As a person who have low attention span, forcing myself to study a few hours straight is very excruciating. Every hour or after finishing a chapter, stand up and walk around. Relax your eyes and brain. What I tend to always do is after a chapter, I will watch an episode of anime or a quarter episode of korean drama or even 2-3 Youtube videos. But with this method, you will need strict discipline. And this leads to the next point.

3) Stay discipline

Do not ever let yourself stray away from your restrictions. Stick to the rest time you have set. Do not let 2 Youtube videos turn into 20 Youtube videos. How do I actually do that? I might be very tempted to click the next Youtube video or let myself surpass that 15 min point for a korean drama BUT I will remind myself that after finishing another chapter, I would be able to continue watching them. It might be quite a tough process but once you are used to it, it is actually not so bad.

4) Prepare your mind before starting

So what do I mean by managing my brain nicely? I personally believe that as long as you put your mind into doing something, you'll be able to do it. Therefore, before starting anything (doesn't matter studies, competitions,exams), prep your mind. Talk to yourself (this might sound utterly strange but I mean it). Brief yourself about your schedule for the day or even firmly tell yourself off when you are distracted. However, please do these in private or else others might think that you've gone bonkers.

5) Get enough rest

Rest is still the most important afterall. Even a machine that is not turn off properly will spoil faster than a machine that is properly turned off after each use. Our brain works that way too. Therefore, limit yourself from burning the midnight oil to around once or twice a week (this does not apply for exam season). Every individual has their own sleep requirement. Hence, try to adjust your daily schedule accordingly. Try to fit in an exercise routine as well, as the saying goes "A healthier body leads to a brighter mind."

I hope these tips are helpful to you as it have been to me.

P.S. The second part of the proverb is "All play no work makes Jack a mere toy." Thus, don't only focus on playing, study as well. Leaving everything to the last minute will bring more disaster than good.

All the best!

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