Good Luck and Ride the Wave

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

In about a week’s time or less, there will be a group of newly qualified junior doctors in Malaysia who will embark on their housemanship journey, starting off with the Program Transformasi Minda. It’s an exciting time but also nerve-wrecking.
That was me more than 8 months ago: a fresh graduate in June and suddenly a proper doctor with actual responsibilities in August. There were many identifiable stressors that if not tackled, can amount to great levels of stress and trepidation. You are now an actual adult and if you live away from home, you need to start finding an accommodation and pay your own bills. Even more challenging if you’re new to the area without familiar faces. On your first day of work, perhaps someone will come to you, asking you to review a patient and you feel out of your depths. You think you are expected to know it, because, now you are a doctor. The realisation hits you hard, you shrink a little in fear and think of all the times when medical school was actually fun.
Some may relate, some won’t; everybody’s experience is going to be different. Here’s what I will say to you, as a friend and fellow colleague: I don’t expect you to know it and get all your act together on day 1 (or even month 1). You are a doctor in training. Have confidence in the knowledge you have accumulated in medical school – those efforts are not in vain! Even if you think your academic performance was mediocre, believe me, you actually know more than you think you do. 
It’s okay to make mistakes and you will make mistakes. Why? Cause you’re human and through the very act of doing, there will be potential for errors. Most of them are honest mistakes and that’s alright. Yes, someone may sneer at you, or impose their sharp-tongued sarcasm on your already sunken shoulders, but from one perfectionist to another, it’s okay and it’s not the end of the world.
In months to come, you will have collected a gallery of anecdotes of hilarious incidents and touching moments; you will smile a little wider.
I wish you luck and am rooting for you! Go blaze a trail!


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