Why Medicine?

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Source: SheMD

Everything boils down to this question. The one question your relatives, friends, patients and even the medical school admissions interviewer love asking. Well, to be frank…I do not have a perfect answer to it either. Everyone goes into medicine for a different reason.

Source: Kevin MD

Being a science-stream student since high school made me more inclined towards pursuing a science degree because I was in my comfort zone. I love interacting with people; I love the hustle and bustle of the hospital; I love running around on my feet; I love being able to help people. Putting together everything in a Venn diagram just made it more obvious that I was suited for a career in Healthcare sciences.

I remembered telling the professor sitting opposite the table during the interview that it was my sister who suddenly had an allergic reaction to the cough syrup she ingested that sparked my interest in medicine. I tried my best to look awed and inspired by that one incident. The truth is, I was not. Cliché as it sounds, I felt that I had to give them a model answer instead of the real answer.

Nevertheless, during my years of practical training in various hospitals, I started to see the reasons doctors stay on being doctors. Although there is a handful who are in it for the money and respected social status, I could see that most doctors are driven by the sheer desire of being able to help their patients feel better.

I happen to know Dr X, a well-trained and experienced paediatric neurologist in the region, whom opted to stay in the government hospital despite having offers from private hospitals. Most doctors would not resist the huge payroll, comfortable working environment and flexible working hours. I remembered asking him the reason for turning down such offers and all I got was a simple answer: "What would happen to my patients whom could not afford the high hospital bills in private practice? Whom would they see?"

His reply really struck a chord with me, and I realized that it is his passion and immense care towards his patients that brought him where he is today. There are so many other doctors out there with the same attitude towards patients and these people really deserve a standing ovation. I could only hope that I could one day be like them, not driven by money or fame, but by the same reason I chose to do medicine.

I took this path and have not regretted since (at least, not yet!). Honestly speaking, studying medicine is not an easy task, but if you feel that you could do it and want to do it for the right reasons, go for it by all means. Always remember that spark in your heart that made you choose medicine and keep it there during the whole of your career. It will be your greatest driving force.

But if you are standing at a crossroad trying to figure out what you want to do with your life at a tender age of 17, my only advice would be to just take a step back and re-evaluate the things you love to do. The things you could see yourself doing for the next 30 years. Long as it may sound, medicine is a never-ending journey of studying (and forgetting the things you've learnt! ooops) and rediscovering the wonders of the human body. So....be extra sure before committing!

Source: Pinterest

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