Things I'd Tell Myself as a Junior Doctor

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash
As a learner,
rejoice in the abundance of talents around you.
Be grounded in humility.
Allow the competition not to overwhelm you
but inspire you.

As a daughter or son, 
bask in the luxury of home-cooked food on the occasional times you return home
and remain connected with your parents -
nothing is too small or too big not to tell them.

As a perfectionist,
it is wholly acceptable to do and
be less than 100%.
In your good intentions through doing, 
you will err,
and this growing pain will teach you that 
you are first and foremost, human.

As a friend,
be open and intentional 
in forging honest friendships built on
positive encouragement for each other
and continuous support during difficult times.
Your peers and you will face extremely trying, stressful periods in your early adulthood,
so graciously extend a hand when another stumbles.

As a doctor,
the limits of your humanity – of your patience, compassion and dedication will be tested.
Strive to do your best, but always, 
look after yourself.
Take that lunch break long delayed;
feel the guiltlessness in standing your ground;
and every now and then, 
treat yourself to a cuppa.

Remember, you may heal thyself too.

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